(English translation below)
A lo largo de la historia de
la música, cada movimiento urbano ha tenido pasos de baile
asociados a él. Lo que nunca esperábamos es que, 32 canciones icónicas
de la música entre los años 1956 y 2000, fueran recopiladas por un
comediante estadounidense, Judson (Jud) Laipply e hiciera un vídeo que
lleva casi 191 millones de visitas en Internet.
Through Music History, each urban music style has had its own dance moves. What we never had imagined is that, 32 iconic songs recorded in between 1956 and 2000, were chosen by an american comediant, Judson (Jud) Laipply and he made a video which has had almost 191 million visitors on youtube.
Through Music History, each urban music style has had its own dance moves. What we never had imagined is that, 32 iconic songs recorded in between 1956 and 2000, were chosen by an american comediant, Judson (Jud) Laipply and he made a video which has had almost 191 million visitors on youtube.
Quizás el tono humorístico ha hecho que esta grabación en
youtube tenga tanta aceptación pero lo cierto y verdad es que logra
resumir, en 6 minutos, muchas tendencias de las pistas de baile.
Maybe the humor touch has made this video so loved. The truth is that he achieves the goal of summarizing, in 6 minutes, many of the dancefloor tendencies.
Maybe the humor touch has made this video so loved. The truth is that he achieves the goal of summarizing, in 6 minutes, many of the dancefloor tendencies.
Os dejo con "Evolution of Dance" esperando que os guste.
Here you have "Evolution of Dance". Hope you like it!
Here you have "Evolution of Dance". Hope you like it!
Si queréis saber las canciones que se bailan, podéis
visitar el link que está más abajo y conoceréis con exactitud título,
artista que lo interpreta, parte de la canción utilizada y año de
If you want to know the name of the songs, by clicking on the link below, you can know the title, artist, part of the song that you're listening to and the year of released:
If you want to know the name of the songs, by clicking on the link below, you can know the title, artist, part of the song that you're listening to and the year of released:
Espero vuestros comentarios y os lanzo un reto. ¿Alguien se atrevería a hacer algo parecido desde el año 2000, con movimientos de baile?. Si lo hace, lo pondré para que todo el mundo disfrute ;)
I wait for your comments and I challenge you to create a video like this, starting in 2000, with dancing moves. If you do it, i'll post it here so everybody can enjoy it ;)